
January 2025

This book is about the coming calamities that are beginning to occur throughout the world.
Coming March 2025

The book is about all the wisdom everyone needs to know about marriage to avoid costly - painful mistakes.
Coming 2026

The book is about many of the false doctrines that have evolved since Christs return to Heaven.
Coming July 2025

The book is about all the steps that God requires of anyone to end up in Heaven with Eternal Life.
Coming February 2026

This book is about who God is and His personhood - why He does what He does.
Coming 2025

This book is about all the wisdom Caleb has accumulated over the years having been close to the Father.
About Caleb MacDonald
I got to know God at an early age. At 20 I learned how to get closer to God. He sent me to a Bible School where I learned even more about Him. In 1994, I received 25 visions about what is to befall the Earth. Now I'm being called to share these visions with everyone who will listen.
I enjoy working out, traveling and hiking which led to becoming a professional photographer. Of all the things I've done the best is staying close to the Father.

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